Sunday, December 11, 2011
Space Marine Tactical - In Bolters we trust?

Sunday, November 20, 2011
Redeye Legio Campaign Blood Angel Armor Convoy

I just finish the campaign at Legio Malaysia. I would like to reveal my BA Mech list I used in the campaign. This is a modified version of my previous Armor Convoy list.
Lib HQ (Str 10 Sword + 5+ Shield)
Assault Termies (4 Hammer 1 Claw)
Sang Priest
Furioso Lib Dread (Wings + Might of Ancient)
2 X Baal Predator (TL Assault Cannon and Heavy Bolter Sponson )
2 X Predator Annilator ( TL lascannon and Lascanon sponson )
Storm Raven (TL Assault Cannon + TL Multi Melta)
2 X Assault Squad ( Meltagun)
Dedicated Transport
2 X Razorback ( Lascannon + TL Plasma Gun)
Overall I must say that this list perform better than my previous list both in the campaign and off. The Storm raven with the Terminator and Dread make a huge impact in the game. Now the rest of the army just provides fire support while the Storm raven with the deadly cargo goes for the kill.
Also I also change in tactical uses of the army nowadays. Last time I used to go into this tight defensive formation which did show some success but proven too rigid to adapt. Nowadays the whole army can eitier go into this tight castling formation or loose formation. Which mean I eitier reserve everything or every unit is scatter all over the place. It’s good against nasty deathstar unit or anyone with crap load of pie template weapons. As I can split up and not get my tank line overrun. Also taking advantage of my fast tank I can displace quickly so I can afford to go aggressive to enemies who are turtling or evade enemies that are to close.
However this list still suffer the same pitfalls my entire previous BA Mech list. Especially list that have a lot of long range high redundancy high Str weapons. All it takes even a couple of stuns and shaken and I am pretty much out of the fight. Assault Terminator and Lib Dreadnought are nasty but if support is compromise then they die from overwhelming numbers.
Anyway I was actually planning to put them to vacation much earlier but because of Legio campaign I decided to give them another shot. Since it the only army I have that fully painted and WYSIWYG. So i guess with the campaign over i be putting them on vacation and be working on another army for KDU Magacon.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Troop Choice Deep striking, Guess who is coming?
Monday, November 7, 2011
Always New Nasty Surprise
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
My CMM tournament report.

Although i promise myself to write this up as soon i return but procrastination takes its toll. So without futher ado lets begin.(Sorry no pics as i didnt had much chance to take)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wooden Stairs The Adeptus Astartes worse enemy
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Pask is waving, Are you on Imperium side?
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Magnetised.. because 50pts is a lot for Imperial Guard! |
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Hey! Have you seen my heavy stubber? I lost it! |
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Big Bad Boys of Cadian 306th
The bad boy in the center will get the removable WYSIWYG Commander Pask treatment soon, although to be fair it has already been given that roll and does horrendous damage on battlefield, I mean, really, terrible terrible damage!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Battlelog 20111009
Lightning fast deployment of battle brothers from the first company of Praetors of Orpheus by stormraven gunships see the unconditional surrender of Colonel N who was reportedly about to start civil war in CM sector. The assault terminators had the guards surrounded when the Colonel announced he was ready to "talk". The battle ended at turn 2.
A division of Cadian 306th has reported successfully repelled a Tyranid attack. Fortifying themselves in strategic location, the guard division with the help of imperial fleet and death world veterans completely decimated the xeno attack.
Large brood of genestealers was denied flanking position by orbital bombardment and the Hive Tyrant was blasted to bits when the beast and its minions tried to march over Cadian's carefully laid kill zone. In a freak accident a single genestealer broke through the gun line and killed the Colonel in charged. The Colonel and his retinues were the only casualties reported.
Black Templar Terminator Cares
Surfing the Internet sometimes you can find gem like this. Click on the picture to read the dialogs.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Repainting a Basilisk

Oh yes, I will need to attach back the ladder later...
Battlelog 20111002
Recently 306th clashes with the black legion. By emperor's grace commander Pask was in the region, a daemon prince, 2/3 squad of chaos bikers, a chaos rhino, almost whole squad of khorne berzerkers and many traitor marines was personally sent back to the warp by the legendary tank commander himself. Neither side really gain any strategic advantage.
Recent combat drill held near between Cadian 306th and the Praetors of Orpheus' armored formation has resulted the later being "grind to dust". The Librarian leading the astrates complained of "high strength weapons everywhere".
The Cadian 306th artillery division consists of 2 manticores, 2 basilisks under the cover of 2 vendettas lead by two company command squads each with a master of ordinance. In theory capable of lying down 10 large blast per turn when the emperor wills it. Their relentless bombardment tactic is common referred as "eat dust doctrine", named after the scene which the enemies' position is filled with dust in the air after the bombardment.
= Cencored by Inquistion on suspect of Illegal listing =
- Sicarious's back broken by dreadnought in drill
Under the insistence of one of Praetors of Orpheus' librarian dreadnought, Captain Sicarious was forced to took another combat drill with the chapter again. The unnamed Librarian dreadnought personally broke the Captain's line of defense and engaged with Sicarious in a short one sided hand to hand combat before breaking his back.
No one can really pin point how the Captain could have offended the ancient dreadnought but the drill quickly falls apart after that. The famed captain denied having any idea how he could have offended the Librarian dreadnought and has since applied for medical leaves to tend his broken back.