In my side of the world that unit in 5th edition was the chaos obliterator. There was a time here the term "9 obliz test" was coined as the standard meta QC for all new list... simply put if you got a new list, you meta it against a list with 9 obliterators; the theory is that if you do well on paper you should be fine, else expect your list to be in a world of hurt when you bring it to the table.
While 6th edition is still new and we will be expecting a lot of new codexes to appear in due time, the flyers rage have since in my opinion made Imperial guard vendetta gunship the new "benchmark unit" in town. Clocking at a mere 140pts arming with 3 twin linked lascanons and 2 heavy bolters, topped with extra armor being standard feature and squadron rule, vendettas is going to rule the unfriendly sky for some time in the dark future.